Friday, June 26, 2009

Laser Hair Removal In Texas: Getting rid of a mustache and skin discoloration? [For a girl]?

My cousin has a mustache problem. She told me she had been shaving her mustache hair since she was a little girl. Laser Hair Removal In Texas Now shes older, and her mustache is becoming more noticeable and thicker. Now she has skin discoloration on her upper lip. She's still young, and can't get a dermatologist to laser it or anything. Is there anyway to get rid of her skin discoloration and the hair?

Answer:well with the upper lip hair i recomend that she waxes it. over time it shud become less noticable.if its the pain of waxing ur worried about Laser Hair Removal In Texas then put an ice pack on it b4 waxing as it will become for the discolouration, u can find special creams at ur shops which help even out skin tones and u could also try using make up. goodluck =]

Answer:First of Laser Hair Removal In Texas all, you
don't have to say it's your cousin, because if it was, wouldn't she be asking on her own account. Second of all, Laser Hair Removal In Texas go to Walmart and buy some Nair for face, it works in five minutes. For the discoloration, use Palmer's Skin Brightening Formula. It's at CVS and Walgreens.

Answer:yikes that was a BIG mistake choosing to shave her mustache cuz is just gonna keep getting thicker! my sister shaved her mustache once and it hasnt grown back since. <-i know thats weird. anyways... try getting it waxed or tell her to pluck the hair with tweezers. most likely, if u pull the root of the hairs it wont grow back. good Laser Hair Removal In Texas luck with ur cousin!

Answer:It could be cause by hormones especially if you're using birth control. Try bleaching and waxing it. Avoid tanning beds and prolonged exposure to the sun as this Laser Hair Removal In Texas may cause it to be more noticable.

Answer:If she doesn't want to wait for the hair to grow back to wax -- tweezing is also an option ... although I warn you, it does hurt.

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