Ok please dont be mean or joke, I am very depressed about this..okay I am 18 years old supposed to be having fun and enjoying my life. But i cant i feel so hairy on my face, my Laser Hair Removal In Texas dad makes fun of me my brothers make fun of me my sister too, my mom does but she only does it because i make it seem like it doesnt bother me that much. I AM Laser Hair Removal In Texas NATIVE AMERICAN!!we arent supposed to be hairy, but i am i have had 1 laser hair removal appointment and it has been almost 4 weeks and none of the ahir really shed only some spots, i feel like my whole life revolves around this, I am going to join the army just so i can have 2 free plastic surgerys and get money form my tribe to get all these done Laser Hair Removal In Texas i am getting 20,000 from my tribe, and 3,000 for christmas i just dont want to spend all my money on this?! :( I feellike the laser hair removal wont work i am losing faith..i just need to he ar Laser Hair Removal In Texas that it will be ok if anybody has had laser hair removal please tell me if it worked !! :(
Answer:Oh sista girl, I completely feel your pain. I'm 26 and I have hair on my face (in an extreme way) that I wax and Laser Hair Removal In Texas I cannot believe I'm going to admit this but, I've been known to shave it it's so bad. I even have thick dark hair on my forearms so I completely identify with you. I have a lot of Native American blood in Laser Hair Removal In Texas me so it surprised my mom that I do have this problem. First thing is first, I think you should take yourself to the doctor and get a complete work up. Have them check Laser Hair Removal In Texas your thyroid, have them check you for PCOS. Don't have any surgeries until you do this when later you could find out that you simply had a hormonal imbalance that could have been corrected with drug (or homeopathic) therapy and saved you alllll that money. So get yourself to the doctor and have them check your thyroid, check you for PCOS, hormonal imbalances and the like. If you check out fine, move to the next steps. Wax! But if you're like me and you have hair on the sides of your face, don't wax it unless Laser Hair Removal In Texas you go to a salon where they know exactly what they're doing. Ask them for tips and stuff to help minimize the pain and irritation. Or you can try Laser Hair Removal In Texas electrolysis - it's a little more expensive but way LESS expensive than any more surgeries or laser hair removals which won't always work. As for your family, honey, you need to step up and tell them that what they're doing DOES hurt your feelings. My brother and my dad used to do the same to me when I was a teenager and I would "bleach" the hair. (Bad move, I Laser Hair Removal In Texas don't recommend it) If they don't listen to you, then find Laser Hair Removal In Texas something about them that embarrasses them and fight back!I hope you're not joining the military just for the money for this problem, I hate to say it but that is a very bad decision. With the way the war and the situation is right now it's an extremely bad idea to join the military for reasons OTHER THAN fighting for your country - if the only reason is the money, is it worth risking your life for? You see what I'm saying? By the way, you would Laser Hair Removal In Texas be SURPRISED at Laser Hair Removal In Texas how many girls and women shave, wax, pluck, Laser Hair Removal In Texas electrolysis, thread, and have laser hair removal on their faces. You'd be absolutely stunned at how many celebrity women would have mustaches and beards if they didn't keep it under control, there's nothing to be depressed about - it's something we all have and it' s something Laser Hair Removal In Texas we have to figure out how to get rid of. Good luck, hon.
Answer:u go on waxing it reduce gradually and one a month go for bleach.if you have turmeric apply daily for 5 min and wash ur face.
Answer:Laser treatments tend to work best with dark hair and fair skin so it's possible that laser isn't the best way for you to go. You may need to try electrolysis. It's more painful but it IS permanent and Laser Hair Removal In Texas pain is temporary. I highly recommend that you get to a physician and have yourself checked out for PCOS and/or thyroid disorders. There are other possibilities but those are two relatively common disorders that can cause hirsutism (excessive hair growth).
Answer:I Laser Hair Removal In Texas am native myself and a male and I don't have much hair on my body like natives. Though I am a white boi, so I get **** for that. The thing with lasor is it w orks, but it takes a few treatments to get it all and once it is over you should never have hair there again in your life. There is Laser Hair Removal In Texas waxing kits or go to you local beauty shop and get it waxed. Also another thing is talk to your doctor about this, there could be a hormone inbalance and he could prescribe you something to get them balanced out for tell you what Laser Hair Removal In Texas you can do. Basically you getting to much testosterone being released and that is what is causing the hair growth. I would try the doctor first and try the waxing next, before lasor. Also you body is still going through puberty so everything is happing to your body right now and won't really stop until your around 25. Hope this helps.
Answer:Dang girl.....you know hair isnt the end of Laser Hair Removal In Texas the world. Having hair doesent make you ugly in fact other than in recent times all women had hair legs and all and i t was normal. Dont join military service just for money because i promise you once you join and they ship you off to Laser Hair Removal In Texas iraq you wont have time to worry about your hair. But seriously your family picks on you cause they are your family its what they do i pick on my aunt cause she has some facial hair. Its not a big deal...get some wax and get it ripped off at like a beauty parlor Laser Hair Removal In Texas or have a friend help you. It could be worse....and im sure your beautiful right now and are so worried your missing it.
Answer:before you go to any radical lengths to get rid of your hair, have you tried waxing? or depilatory cream such as nair?that might Laser Hair Removal In Texas be a good option before you go and try laser hair removal.generally, also, with IPL hair removal, it takes a few goes before you notice some results, so maybe book yourself back in for another treatment and speak to your beauty therapist.hope it all Laser Hair Removal In Texas goes well for you!
Answer:First and foremost: don't despair, you are not alone, you have good company. My one daughter is having a lot of facial hair so much so she has to shave occasionally Laser Hair Removal In Texas and has good growth of hair on her legs.As suggested by Wabby, you may have PCOS, which also has some more symptoms like irregular periods (both ways, not stopping for long or not having for long), obesity, low haemoglobin, anaemia etc. If you have Laser Hair Removal In Texas these symptoms too then you have most certainly PCOS and you must consult a gynaecologist.My daughter went through laser treatment for 9 sessions but there has been no improvement at all. I don't know if you will have effect.The only solution at the moment seems to be for seeing a Laser Hair Removal In Texas gynaenic to rule out PCOS.
Answer:I guess its pretty normal. I am sorry I can't help you in the laser part.But if the hair are more dense/dark than usual I suggest you to get your hormones checked. You may have PCOS. The best doctor to go to for that is an Endocrinologist/Reproductive Endocrinologist. It is more likey if you have PCOS to have symptoms like irregular periods, Laser Hair Removal In Texas obesity/weight gain, unwanted hair, diabetes, high blood pressure, oily skin etc....... Even if you don't have these symptoms I would still suggest you to get your hormones checked.Good luck!Think positive!
Answer:Many women in the world end up bleaching and whatnot, but if it's in a way that is outside the norm for a woman (and Laser Hair Removal In Texas I mean plucking stuff now and then, not a norm based on 'nothing'), I would have your hormone levels checked just in case. I'm no expert, b ut I think even it being just slightly off can cause things like this.
Answer:Before, you proceed with any medical treatment; it is essential to obtain a competent diagnosis. You may have PCOS, a Laser Hair Removal In Texass a number of respondents have pointed out. This condition is also known as Functional Hyperandrogenism. Laser Hair Removal In Texas Other symptoms of PCOS are: acne, thinning hair, loss of hair, irregular periods, and a propensity to gain weight above the waist, rather than below the waist.Since, this is a syndrome, and not an express condition, you may not have all of the symptoms. It is a very common disorder, affecting about Laser Hair Removal In Texas six to ten percent of the female population of child bearin g age. However, it very often goes undiagnosed. It is essential you see a competent endocrinologist, and treat the underlying condition, if any, before proceeding with surgical options.I would not see a gynecologist, or a general practitioner. They are not equipped Laser Hair Removal In Texas to diagnose PCOS. They tend to focus on the patient's irregular periods, and put them on an oral contraceptive. This may, at least initially, result in regular periods. Ultimately, however, it may aggravate Laser Hair Removal In Texas the condition.Your condition, may be diagnosed as Idiopathic Hirsutism, i.e., no apparent underlying cause. Then the surgical options, may be the only option. Regardless, of diagnosis, it is essential you make an informed decision.Making an informed decision, does not only apply to medical decisions. It applies to all life decisions, e.g., choosing to go into the military. Remember, the military recruiter, you may be dealing with , is a commissioned salesman. He has a vested Laser Hair Removal In Texas interest in recruiting you. He gets credit for signing you up. He is no different than a car salesman or a realtor, i.e., they all have a vested interest in your decision.Lastly, I thought you may appreciate, an effective remedy for PCOS or Functional Hyperandrogenism is Saw Palmetto Extract, a Native American remedy. Please see Laser Hair Removal In Texas the link below, for more information regarding Saw Palmetto Extract.P.S.There are at least two disorders, that may underlie the symptoms of PCOS, i.e., Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Laser Hair Removal In Texas and Cushings Syndrome. PCOS symptoms may also be induced by valproic acid, brand name Valproate, a medication used to mitigate epileptic seizures.
Answer:Well, there are lots of hair removal options out there, some of them cost effective and some of them not. Since it's a small area (just your face) t hen you could probably do electrolysis. It's supposed to work really well and I don't think it's too expensive; at least, Laser Hair Removal In Texas it isn't nearly as expensive as laser hair removal. Then like other people on here mentioned, you can wax. However, that's not permanent. Another permanent solution is laser hair removal, which you've already tried. It is Laser Hair Removal In Texas very expensive, but it's supposed to work for everyone... it's just that you usually need several sessions to get all of the hair to go away. The prices vary a lot, but check back with the person who Laser Hair Removal In Texas did your laser hair removal the first time and see what they recommend. (Coming back, how many more appointments, what kind of results can you expect, how much will each appointment cost, how much will you expect to pay over time, etc.)
Answer:hunni you dont need surgery just keep waxing it.but waxking kits you will be fine.dont lissten to waht others say.my aunt does laser hair removal, i mean it works good but you have to go in like waht 4 times for it to be complete. and Laser Hair Removal In Texas its expensive just keep on buying facial Laser Hair Removal In Texas waxing kits. you will be fine.
Answer:i think its totally normal. everyone has hair all over their bodies just some people it is more noticeable than others. you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. love yourself for who you are. if its really bothering you, you should see a dermatologist and they will prescribe you something that will control your hormonal imbalance out. good luck!
Answer:Hey! Don't worry it's natural. We ALL have hair on our bodies!! We're not ment to be hair free because when humans were Laser Hair Removal In Texas around in the stone age we had to keep warm some how! We didn't have heaters etc. It's norm al!Firstly, are either of your parents hairy? My Dad is Hungarian so he's quite hairy (ugh yuk!) so I've got a bit more Laser Hair Removal In Texas hair than normal (like darker on my arms). But if neither of your parents are hairy then I STRONGLY recommend you visit a doctor and get yourself checked out for PCOS. It's quite common in woman. Have a look at this link.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polycystic_...I know it's getting you depressed but remember you're beautiful no matter what!Go get checked out with the doctor Laser Hair Removal In Texas before you get anymore expensive lazer hair removal, you may save yourself a lot of money!Good luck.
Answer:get it waxed
Answer:I'm sorry that your family is insensitive. My family used to refer to me as "the fat f*ck" and i still Laser Hair Removal In Texas struggle with body image issues years later, and I'm not fat at all anymore.Vigilance is your best friend. Carry a razor on you at all times, and whenever you can sneak a look at yourself, give your upper lip, or where ever you are uncomfortable having hair, a swipe.You got Laser Hair Removal In Texas the sh*t end of the genetic stick in this regard, but there are far worse crosses to bear than cosmetics. Never forget that personality is the great equalizer. Work on becoming a proud independent considerate hard working loving woman and you'll find yourself happy sooner rather Laser Hair Removal In Texas than later.Good luck sweety
Answer:Hey babe chill out really damn. Permanent hair removal is a field they are very successful at what they do I'm sure. There are many methods like waxing that makes the hair thinner over time so who cares unless you got a beard. I'm More concerned about curves Laser Hair Removal In Texas boobs and tail then a little hair on the upper lip. You say your 18 female don't join the ar my your to young be your own person. What i look for in a face is beautiful white eyes the white part i might add. I bet you have awesome dark eyes smooth skin and kissable lips babe.
Answer:can you say goony googoo?
Answer:u could just join the circus and you would be accepted there as the bearded lady
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